Friday 5 October 2012

No Regrets! No More!

No Regrets! No More!

So many pain staking regrets
Yet still making mistakes
Life is not a treadmill
Rather a windmill
Once decided keep going
Or ended up sighing
This will not last a lifetime
Before you knew it's gone
Emotions will never run dry
Nobody will hear your cry
Keep on staying the same
You will only remain lame
Before being judgmental
Do care to be gentle
Oh well, frankly speaking
No one wants to be hurting
Touch your core
Check if it is sore
Start anything
Change something
Justify it now
Stop asking how
You will find a way
Through the day!

Copyrighted @ Jeline Loh Jen-Li

Sleepless Night still a Morning Star!

Sleepless Night still a Morning Star!

One of those sleepless night
Where I have silence with me
No one seems to be at sight
He seems to understand me

Being filled with peace
Amazed by it's stillness
Yet none is able to tease
As if you are to witness

The sound of the pouring rain
No rainbows anytime near
Time to count sheep again
Till the Morning Star appear!

Copyrighted @ Jeline Loh Jen-Li