Saturday, 25 February 2012

Some Alone Time

Some Alone Time

Some Alone Time with only me
Everyone seems to ignore me
The buzzing sound of the city
Walking around town looking pity
How could I be involve I know not them

Some Alone Time with only me
Thoughts of Him being with me
Thinking through the thought
Trying to figure every lil dot
Would I be thrill if I have seen it all

Some Alone Time with only me
Uninvited troubles may surround me
Having confidence in my own right
I pray I'll not be out of His sight
What would I be if not His precious gem

Some Alone Time with only me
For sure I am not alone with me
As the end of the road is calling
I know He lifts me if I'm falling
Am I alone if I was still standing tall

Copyrighted @ Jeline Loh


  1. With God as your Saviour, you will never be alone, even at times it looks that way.
    Great poem.
