Friday, 6 January 2012

A New Beginning of a Deeper Friendship (Going on to Perfection)

A New Beginning of a Deeper Friendship (Going on to Perfection)
I remembered we were hanging out
A week before Christmas
You confessed that
All you want for Christmas
Is me
I was happy to know that
Then I playfully dared you
If you were to express it publicly
On your Facebook
I will consider you
Who knows after a great eventful Christmas
You asked me
Again for the third time in a year
To be your girlfriend
I was blushing on the outside
While having butterflies on the inside
I teasingly muttered if you were serious
You haven’t posted it on your Facebook
My intention was to see if he is man
Man enough for me to consider
I got quite anxious
Wondered if he really would
I changed my statement
If you post it on Facebook
I may not be your girlfriend
If I would,
It requires
High commitment, High responsibility
Not forgetting High Maintenance
It is for a lifetime not a temporary basis
Everything of yours will be mine
While mine remains the same
Truly, a Man he is!
He was waiting for the right time
To express how much he wanted me
Lo and behold, 11.58pm on a 2011 Christmas
He posted his shout out to the world
He held my hand and my fingers reacted
While he said so now you are mine
I replied the opposite from my hand language
He then said you are!
What makes you think so?
Because you responded this time with
With your hand gripping mine
I asked why a day after Christmas?
He said you wanted to put God first
So I am the next prior to Jesus Christ
But how can you propose without a flower?
Then as I was searching for my house keys
To head out of his car back home
To call it a night
Not just any night but a wonderful one
Whilst he pulled out something from his car boot
Hand it over to me
A Bouquet of White Lilies
Oh boy! I was really impressed by him!
8 stalks of varieties of Oriental White Lilies
It marks a new beginning
Of a deeper friendship
With additional two buds yet to blossom
Going on to perfection.  ;)

Written on 26 December 2011

Copyrighted @ Jeline Loh

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